To promote awareness and to expose the children to the world of amazing animals and birds Sunbeam School Sarnath organised Learning Expedition to Sarnath Deer Park for KG section.
The little ones explored different types of birds and other animals and were fascinated by the beauty of the nature.
The children enthusiastically observed and were curious to know about them.
Besides this they were also taught not to tease animals and not getting close to the animals.
Overall it was a day well spent which gave our tiny tots wonderful memories to cherish forever.
"Learning Expedition have always been a supplement to class room teaching."
With a view to acquaint the children with the places of historical, cultural and educational values, Sunbeam School Sarnath organised Educational Trip to HDFC Bank, Maqbool Alam Road for the students of Class II.
Children came to know about different counters and working procedures in a bank.
They were curious and eager to know about the people working there.
The bank manager explained about various services provided by the bank to the people.
Overall it was a fun filled learning for the young ones.
"Toys spark child’s imagination, creativity and problem-solving skills."
Today was the last day of Toy week which was organized in Sunbeam School Sarnath from 6th to 12th September for Nursery to class ll.
Little ones of KG sec. made beautiful Animal toys under the guidance of their teachers and children of classes l and ll spoke about toys from different states of India.
Throughout the week children learned about sharing and collaboration in different ways and had great fun.
An atmosphere of tranquility and serenity was created today in Sunbeam School Sarnath through Shloka/Doha Competition in KG sec.
It helps in inculcating moral and cultural values in our children.
While reciting Shloka or Doha little ones beautifully expressed themselves and told it's meaning also.
The competition was judged on the basis of content, fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and overall presentation by the child.
To commemorate Mrs Deesh Ishrat Madhok's birth anniversary and also to mark the Golden jubilee year of Sunbeam Group of Educational Institutions (A private unaided Sikh minority institution) the children ate and did langar ki sewa at the Gurudwara. Seeking Babaji's Blessings.
Experiential Learning is a prominent feature of the Sunbeam Peadagogy. On 6.9.2022. the students of Class VI - VIII of Sunbeam School Sarnath visited Sarnath Stupa under the program MERA SHAHAR MERA ITIHAAS organized by ITIHAAS FOUNDATION. It is a great endeavour by ITIHAAS FOUNDATION to teach about the heritage of your city Varanasi.
"It's the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
Teacher’s Day was celebrated with great joy and fervour at Sunbeam School Sarnath in KGsection. The celebration began with a Special Assembly wherein teachers made the little ones aware of why do we celebrate Teacher's day and it's significance through slide presentation.
Tiny tots presented rhymes, Shlokas.... “Guru Re Brahma Guru Re Vishnu” and also spoken about their teachers.
showed their love towards their teachers by making beautiful handmade Thank You Cards.
The event was an amalgamation of knowledge and entertainment.
They got vegetable in a packet to take it to their home.
Teacher discussed the nutritional value of vegetables and motivated them to eat.
This activity was full of fun and was a wonderful initiative to include green leafy vegetables in regular diet.
Class Project Presentation In Sunbeam school Sarnath.
" Its not about what teachers cover ,its about what students discover"
Students of classes 3 to 5 gave a magnificent presentation of their class project.
Topic for class 3 project was"Work people do", where the students told the importance of different professionals through role play,files ,charts and models. The topic for class 4 project was "Culture and Heritage"Students displayed glimpses of rich Culture and heritage of India through dance,tabla presentation ,role play and project file which contained enormous informations.The project file was inaugurated by Ms Soumita Chatterjee , Principal Sunbeam School Sarnath.The topic for class 5 project was "Transport".Along with different activities related to the topic ,skit presentation on carpooling was show stopper of the event.
Interacting with Students of the same age has proven to be quite effective to organize their thoughts and reflect on their understanding.Today class VII students of Sunbeam School Sarnath went to Sunbeam Gramin School Karsana to interact with the students of the same class. It was an enriching experience.
"Our endeavour is to empower our students to overcome FEAR and survive in any difficult situation if ever"
To deal with everyday real life situations Sunbeam School Sarnath in collaboration with
SAFE CAMPUS - organised Self Defence sessions from 22nd Aug to 26th August for the children of KGI to Class VIII under the supervision of Trainer and Expert of Safe Campus Mr. Abhay Saxena Self defence sessions dealt with mental, physical and emotional safety of kids. Through various
interesting activities children became aware of different situations of life and how to respond. Students were also taught different situational awareness, physical awareness (when, where and how to strike), SOPs, and ways to safeguard themselves.
Overall children learnt different ways of self protection in a very effective way.
"Don't be drastic; Say no to plastic." This message was given by the children of classes l and ll through "Say No To Plastic Campaign" which is our CSR Activity for the month of August. Students of Sunbeam School Sarnath went to C.V Mart to make the people aware of harmful effects of using plastic in their day to day life. They demonstrated their views by Role-playing . Children dressed themselves as paper and plastic bags and conveyed their thoughts through slogans against single-use plastics. People listened attentively to them. They also made the public to take a pledge not to use plastics and take the initiative to protect the environment.
"Body is your temple.
Keep it clean and safe with yoga."
Today The *Yoga session through Story Telling for KG Section* was organised at Sunbeam School Sarnath under the supervision of Yoga expert Ms. Pushpanjali. Session started with Om chanting. Children did yoga through an interesting jungle story. They made different postures like Tree, Crow , Lion, Rabbit, Elephant etc through various asanas.The session concluded with same Om chanting. All the kids participated enthusiastically and had great fun.
Independence Day 2022
Sunbeam School Sarnath pays tribute to the motherland in a week long series under the Govt. Of India initiative Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav....
You've read about them in the newspapers. Now talk with them face-to-face.
TEDxYouth@SunbeamBhagwanpur, 28 speakers from 5 different countries and
across diverse fields -- literature, science, tech and spirituality --
will present their most brilliant ideas in 18 minutes or less, and chat
with attendees afterwards.
Dates: 11 and 12 September, 2021
Timings: 10 AM to 5 PM
Cost: Free to attend
Our registration form takes less than one minute to fill. But hurry, spots are limited and filling fast!
Follow us on social media for our full speaker lineup and event schedule:
Buzz, flutter, hop, jump and wiggle....
to excite little ones creepy crawlies here wriggle...
Creepy Crawlies Day was celebrated with enormous joy and excitement for the kids of Nursery to Class ll.
To impart the knowledge of various insects and their importance ppts ,quiz and 3d videos were shared.
Kids dressed up as creepy crawlies enacted wonderfully and shared information about them.
They showed their creativity through art and craft work. They danced on creepy crawlies songs and enjoyed fully .
frolic and gaiety came alive during Sawan celebration which was
organized for the kids of Nursey to class ll with great fervour and joy.
The celebration marked the importance of Sawan month bounty of nature ,arrival of rain and greenery around us .
Teachers shared ppt and video to tell the importance of Sawan.
dressed up in green attaire were excited to perform rhymes, songs, and
dance to show their love for the nature . They enjoyed traditional Kajri
songs,were applied mehandi and relished delicious snaks also.
Overall it was a fun filled day for the little ones.