Vice-Chairperson's Message & Profile

Sunbeam Group of Educational Institutions has over the years nurtured the educational, personal, social, spiritual and cultural growth of its students and continues to do so with wonderful results. We are an educational institution of exemplary paradigm. As a group, we are extremely proud of our accomplishments and journey so far aided by commitment, enthusiasm, discipline, effectiveness, insight and creativity of one and all associated with the group.
Over the years we have provided our students on educational experience which can withstand the demands of the contemporary world.
However, there is still a lot to do and achieve, and I am hopeful that this new session to be a brighter, bigger and better.
Our commitment is towards every Sunbeamian do justice to their potential in a safe, sensitive, secure, excellent teaching and learning environment.
Sunbeam also believes in true character building and value based education at a time when people seem to be searching for them everywhere and there is a resurrection in demand for the elementary requirements for a successful life.
For me Sunbeam is the connect... to education that is meant to improve the lives of others and leave the community and world better than before.
Bharti Madhok
She has re-defined the way classrooms look feel and sound in Sunbeam schools. She has made schooling lively, fun and a happy experience because she firmly believes that make a child in school happy and learning will follow. She also is a big proponent of inculcating values and patriotism in all Sunbeams, yes! Students in Sunbeam are called Sunbeams.
She is a philanthropist at heart, in recognition to which Hindustan Times bestowed on her the 'Women of the Year award' in 2012. She has widely travelled all over the world and her visits become focal points of qualitative change in the Sunbeam precept. She believes in holistic education and is herself a keen connoisseur of Arts, music, sports and education. She is on a mission of unearthing 'the smart child in every child' through Sunbeam schools. She has been recently conferred with the “LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD” for her contribution towards furthering the cause of Education in Eastern Uttar Pradesh by India’s leading premier magazine Education World 2017. Mrs. Madhok has also been honored with DOCTORATE DEGREE of Literature by “Indian Peace university Chennai” for outstanding contribution in the field of Education & Nurturing young minds pan India for last four decades
The ultimate end of education for Mrs. Madhok is making a good human being enshrined with every kind of goodness that is used for further refinement of society. She wants Sunbeam schools to be laboratories of goodness, compassion and being in sync with changing times.
Social Activities: When it comes to discharging her social responsibility Mrs. Madhok does not believe in mere lip service. Under her guidance Sunbeam has taken it upon itself to educate the children of the underprivileged section in villages at Bacchaon. Post around 15 kilometers from Varanasi in the Karsana Gramin School. The children are provided books uniform and education absolutely free but more than that they are given practical exposures to betterment in farming or seed preservation and vocational training for them to be more productive within the ambit of their environment. Under able guidance of Mrs. Bharti Madhok the Group started the auspicious Sunbeam Autism Centre in July, 2013. The Autism Centre aims to offer educational intervention programs, social skills and occupational & sensory intervention of children detected with autism.
"Make the children happy at school and learning will follow."