Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
The school imparts education to 5,000 students (approximately) in Science, Commerce & Humanities streams with as many as 15 optional subjects in classes XI-XII. The students are offered the following combinations of subjects in the class XI & XII:
Streams Offered
Science: - English core, Mathematics/ Biology, Physics, Chemistry, any one of the optional subjects
Commerce: English core, Business Studies, Accounts, Economics, any one of the optional subjects
Humanities: English core, Political Science, History, Geography, any one of the optional subjects
Optional Subjects : (Comp. Sci., Informatics Practices, Multimedia & Web Designing, Mathematics, Hindi, Sanskrit, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Phy. Edu., Tabla, Violin, Vocal Music, App. Arts, Kathak)