Bhagwanpur MANDATORY PUBLIC DISCLOUSRE A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the School with address: Sunbeam English School 2. Affiliation No. 2130132 3. School Code 71292 4. Complete Address with Pin Code 206, Bhagwanpur, Lanka, Varanasi - 221005 5. Principal Name & Qualification Mrs. Prerna Sharma Post Graduate Degree in English Literature and M.B.A. (HR) 6. School E-mail Id [email protected] 7. Contact Details (ii) Land Line/Mobile 0542 – 2366885/ 9721452100 (iii) Fax. No. 0542 - 2367262 B. DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION SL NO. DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION Upload 1. Copies of Affiliation/Upgradation Letter and Recent Extension of Affiliation, if any Click here 2. Copies of Societies/Trust/Company Registration/Renewal Certificate, as applicable Click here 3. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued, if applicable, by the State Govt./ UT Click here 4. Copies of recognition certificate Under RTE Act 2009 and its Renewal, if applicable Click here 5. Copy of valid building certificate as per the National Building Code Click here 6. Copy of valid Fire Safety Certificate issued by the Competent Authority Click here 7. Copy of the DEO certificate submitted by the school for Affiliation/ Upgradation/Extension of Affiliation self-certificate by school Click here 8. Copies of valid Water, Health and Sanitation Certificate Click here 9. Book List Click here Undertaking Click here C. RESULT AND ACADEMICS SL NO. DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION Upload 1. Fee Structure of School Click here 2. Annual Academic Calendar Click here 3. List of School Management Committee (SMC) Click here 4. List of Parents/Teachers Association (PTA) Members Click here 5. Last three-year result of the Board Examination as per Applicability Click here D. STAFF (TEACHING) Sl. No. Information Details 1. Principal Mrs. Prerna Sharma 2. Total No. of Teachers 205 PGT 48 TGT 61 PRT 78 3. Teachers Section Ratio 1.9:1 4. Details of Special Educator Ms. Meera Shukla 5. Details of Counsellor and Wellness Teacher Ms. Harshita Awasthi E. SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE SL NO. DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION 1. Total Campus Area of the school (in Sqr. mtr.) 10846 2. No. and the size of the Class Rooms (in Sqr. mtr.) 72 (53 Sqr. mtr. each) 3. No. and the size of Laboratories including Computer Lab (in Sqr. mtr.) Composite Science Lab 55.8 Physics Lab 172.2 Chemistry Lab 210.06 Biology Lab 172.2 Maths Lab 114.7 Computer Science Lab (3 in nos.) 98.5 Home Science Lab 65.7 Language Lab 114.7 Geography Lab 114.7 Music Lab 22.7 Activity Lab 273.6 4. Internet Facility (Y/N) Y 5. No. of Girls Toilets 52 6. No. of Boys Toilets 63 7. Link of you-tube video of the inspection of school covering the infrastructure of the school SARAS 5.0 - APPENDIX -IX MANDATORY PUBLIC DISCLOSURE